Monday, April 28, 2014

Hash of a hash of a hash

Problem: there are two MySQL databases on two different websites that should be mostly identical, except for maybe a few tables. I would like to figure out quickly which tables don't match so that I can run a manual sync.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reverse proxy needed

HTTP reverse proxies are a Useful Thing. Sometimes it's for exposing an endpoint from behind a firewall that you don't control, sometimes it's for moving a service from one public URL to another while not leaving legacy consumers in the dark.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Splitting GIF into frames on Android via giflib

PREAMBLE: the app where this technique originated is no longer using it. I've integrated GifFileDecoder by Google and never looked back. Had to patch it somewhat, though - my GIFs are small, makes more sense to read them into memory rather than display progressively.

UPDATE: it's now a Gist.

This is a followup to my answer at StackOverflow regarding animated GIFs on Android. Folks want code - I've got some. The general idea is - use giflib to get RGB(A) pixel data for each frame in a format that's compatible with Android's, feed the pixels to bitmaps, display the bitmaps.